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But, I am not pure!

Maybe you have done some very bad things. Perhaps people or churches have rejected you when they learned about your past. It makes you feel impure and unworthy.

Saul of Tarsus killed and tortured many christians, most likely children too. Then in a dramatic conversion to Jesus Christ, Saul turned away from evil and spent the rest of his life pursuing God’s purposes. He became the Apostle Paul who established many churches and wrote a lot of the New Testament Bible. Let Paul’s example be a pattern for your life.

Everyone starts out impure. Purity and right standing before God comes from our faith in Christ Jesus. When we confess our sin and turn to God we become a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17.

The old you? Impure. Romans 3:23

The new you? Cleansed. 1 John 1:9

The new you ? Accepted. John 6:37

Hang in there. Agree with God and strive to be who God says you are. Of course you should strive to discontinue filthy and sinful living. You can be triumphant with God’s help.

You are the beloved child of God. 1 John 3:2-3

Welcome to Purity.Church

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