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Tetelestai – It is finished

The last word spoken by Jesus Christ before dying on the cross was a single Greek word, “tetelestai”. 

It is finished. John 19:30

The perfect message for the perfect moment. 

Most english bibles translate testelestai as, “it is finished”. However, the Greek root word teleo has deeper meaning to include Paid in full.

It is finished.
Paid in full.

A W Pink wrote:

“Eternity will be needed to make manifest all that TETELESTAI contains.”

The exciting and good news is that God raised Jesus back to life from the dead. Jesus lived a pure and sinless life and died in our place to pay the penalty for our sins. Paid in full.

All we need to do is confess and believe… Romans 10:9

The link below is a deep well of insight into the word tetelestai. If you hunger to know more you will enjoy reading.

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